Fisher House Monthly Information for Nevada Veterans Foundation

brown building with a flagpole in the front

Sharing is caring!

Month: December, 2018
Occupancy Rate: 55%
Number of unoccupied days (unable to occupy due to maintenance, etc.): 14
Total number of families accommodated: 70
Number of Active Duty families accommodated: 0
Number of Post 9-11 OIF/OEF/OND Veterans accommodated: 4
Average length of stay for Active Duty families: 0
Number of new families accommodated: 26
Number of new individual guests: 49
Cumulative number of families accommodated: 237
Number of families checking out: 64
Number of lodging nights in community hotels funded by 501c3: 0
Average length of stay: 3.70
Number of families on waiting list: 0
Number of lodging nights provided in community hotels funded by VA: 0
Monetary donations received by VA: $1,880.00
Monetary donations received by local 501c3: $1,057.78
Total fiscal year donations: $9,886.30
Number of hours volunteered: 50.75
Number of Volunteers: 8
Number of VCS Canteen Booklets distributed: 0
Number of new minor children accommodated: 2
Activities/special events: 12/5/18: Dinner provided by Optum; 12/10/18: Dinner provided by Wells Fargo; 12/11/18: Dinner provided by Silver Sky; 12/12/18: Dinner provided by Bogdan family; 12/13/18: Dinner provided by guest 201; 12/24/18: Christmas Dinner provided by VFW Post #12156.